How to Pay: Medina
If you have received a letter from us it is important you contact us to discuss repayment of the debt. You can make payment on your account in a variety of ways:
- By far the quickest and easiest way to make your payments and to check your account balance is to use our secure online credit or debit card facility.
To use the service – You will need both your Medina reference number, that starts with a ‘M’, AND your creditors reference number. Both these numbers will be on all communications sent to you by Medina.
If you do not have them, please call 01372 726081.
- You can also pay over the telephone using your credit and debit card by calling one of our team on 01372 726081 during normal office hours.
- To pay by Standing Order or bank transfer please use the following bank details
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account name: Medina Credit Management
Sort Code: 30-96-96
Account number: 82115760
Payment Reference: Your Medina reference number M
- By Direct Debit, please call one of our team on 01372 726081 to arrange this and provide your email address to complete the set-up of the Direct Debit.
- You can pay using any Paypoint or AllPay location. On all letters from Medina there is a barcode on the front on the letter unique to you – take the letter and the Post Office or retailer will scan the barcode and your deposited payment will be allocated to your account with us the next day. Keep the letter with the barcode on it to present it each time you want to make a payment and keep your receipts.
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All major credit and debit cards accepted